Ivan London

Senior Attorney

Ivan is a Mountain States Legal Foundation Senior Attorney in charge of Energy and Environment litigation. Before joining Mountain States, he spent the better part of the past 15 years working in “big law” in Denver, Colorado. Ivan is admitted/licensed in the federal and state courts of Alaska, Colorado, and Oklahoma, to the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia, the D.C. Circuit, Ninth Circuit and Tenth Circuit Courts of Appeals, and the U.S. Supreme Court, and Super Lawyers recognized Ivan as a “Rising Star” in Environmental Litigation for the Colorado area every year from 2014–2021.

Ivan has authored several published articles and given presentations on litigation, regulation, and modern law-practice, with a specific focus on the energy sector. He has also served as a member of the following industry and law boards: the Board of Advisors for the Western Energy Alliance, the Litigation Advisory Council for Mountain States, and the Advisory Council for the Colorado Bar Association’s Environmental Law Section.

In his role at Mountain States, Ivan is excited to focus on natural resources and environmental litigation from a public interest and Constitutional perspective. “I am particularly interested in defending property rights, promoting energy independence, and ensuring that federal and state agencies follow the law when regulating natural resources. Natural resources and environmental litigation are critical to protecting individual liberties, promoting economic growth, and preserving our natural resources for future generations.”

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