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Victory for George Sheetz

Victory for George, for property rights, for liberty, and for Americans! In a 9-0 unanimous decision, the Supreme Court ruled that the government cannot use the permitting process to twist…

MSLF Welcomes New CKBA Director

Mountain States Legal Foundation is thrilled to announce the arrival of our new Director of the Center to Keep & Bear Arms, Michael McCoy.

Feds Open Investigation on UC Berkeley

The US Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights has opened a civil rights investigation against the University of California at Berkeley.  

UC Berkeley Accused of Segregation

UC Berkeley is under fire for allegedly banning white residents from using a community farm on Saturdays in a move one critic slammed as “systemic racism.”

MSLF Case in Epoch Times

Christine Searle is on the verge of losing her life’s savings over a minor unpaid tax bill. “I don’t think that they should have the right to take all of it.”

A Win for Texas and the Rule of Law!

A federal court has ruled it is unconstitutional for Congress to pass legislation by proxy voting, and that laws must be passed with members physically present.

FAA Rejected Qualified Controllers

A 2013 FAA document asked, “How much of a change in job performance is acceptable to achieve what diversity goals?” The answer should have been none.

Mountain States to go Round 2 in Garcia v. Polis Case 

Colorado does not have the right to treat your self-defense and protection as second class. This waiting period is a violation of the Constitution because it has no historical tradition and delays and therefore denies American citizens their Second Amendment rights. 

Victory for the Rays!

MSLF just scored a win for the Ray family by vindicating their rights after decades of unreasonable behavior by the federal Department of the Interior.

MSLF Signs 2A Amicus

New York’s knows that it cannot directly censor and disrupt the NRA, and its attempt to do the same thing through the back door.

Trachman on YAF

MSLF’s Will Trachman was recently on the Meg Ellefson Show, discussing our win defending Young Americans for Freedom at the University of Wisconsin-La Crosse.

MSLF Backs Jack Phillips

The Supreme Court has recognized free speech is not limited to literal words. Human beings also communicate through non-verbal methods, including symbols.

Victory for Vlaming!

The Virginia Supreme Court yesterday vindicated Peter Vlaming and upheld his First Amendment rights not to speak messages that he doesn’t agree with.

MSLF to University: No Ideological Test

Mountain States today sent a demand letter to the University of Wisconsin – La Crosse in support of Young Americans for Freedom’s right to free speech.

Retaliation Against YAF

Retaliation for speaking against the established order is one of the oldest tactics in the book on suppressing free speech.

MSLF Comments Against ATF

MSLF filed a regulatory comment against a proposed regulation by the ATF, aimed at eliminating essentially all private transactions on guns. 

MSLF Client in News

A lawsuit brought by the US government against Idaho will have far-reaching implications for both how water is managed in the West and states’ rights.

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Triumph Over Heckler’s Veto

As a result of MSLF’s letter, the University of Utah’s security enforced the rules, ensuring that the free speech rights of YAF students were protected. 

MSLF in Court for Equality

Josh was told he was a white supremist and that he furthered white supremacy. That’s not true and we are entitled to press our case forward.